Input Generation / Mutation

Target programs usually only accept certain kinds of inputs. The goal

The usual main concerns:

  • interesting inputs: input that produce new behaviour during fuzzing
    • this is really hard because it is often target-dependent
    • there can be dynamic optimizations of the mutations during the fuzzing using fuzzing metrics
  • syntactically correct: input should be valid
    • can be solved given a grammar
    • grammar can be inferred
  • semantically correct: input has to make sense
    • usually mutation over already valid inputs



Current fuzzer used in Linux Kernel development

  • requires a grammar for syscalls


Fuzzer for linux kernel that does not require a grammar

  • FuzzNG reshapes the input space without needing a grammar
  • at runtime FuzzNG aware of which file descriptors and pointers are accessed
  • before function calls, FuzzND pauses this process to populate these locations


Optimization of the mutation at runtime

  • issues:
    • optimal mutations are target-dependent
    • runtime algorithms to optimize mutations may have a performance cost that outweighs the benefits
  • leverages a variant of Evolution strategy
    • mix between evolution and intensifications
    • evolution optimizes over a set of inputs
      • discover promising areas and avoid local optima
      • Algo:
        • start with primary population of inputs
        • natural selection of the population by selecting best inputs over a metric
        • mutate these best inputs to obtain a new population
        • reiterate the selection until certain criteria is met
    • intensification optimize a promising area
      • focus on current best solution
      • mutate to find the better neighboring solutions


Combines usage of grammar + code coverage results

  • improve the probability of having syntactically and semantically valid inputs
