- Generic Fuzzers
- Rust Fuzzers
- Java Serialization Fuzzers
- Javascript Engine Fuzzers
- Fuzzer for Windows
- Fuzzer Composition
- Concurrency
- Webapp fuzzing
- Trusted Environment Fuzzing
- Fuzzing during RTL development stage (specifications)
- Spec fuzzing
- Resources
Generic Fuzzers
- hongfuzz
- Afl++
- LibAFL
- Jackalope:
- framework to easily build a black-box fuzzer
- uses TinyInst
Rust Fuzzers
- cargo-fuzz: tool to invoke libfuzzer
- libfuzzer: archived
- cargodd
- afl.rs: crate from AFL
- cargo-libafl: wrapper around simple libafl fuzzer
- fuzzcheck: not updated since a year
Java Serialization Fuzzers
- Java serialization is flawed and input stream are converted to
- Attacker can feed any kind of byte stream to be deserialized and can trigger gadget execution
- This is much more difficult in Rust since target type for deserialization is defined at compile time
- This could be done if the deserialization has intricate invariant checking
- ODD for Open Dynamic deserialization
- uses lightweight taint analysis to identify potential gadget chains
- new guided fuzzing towards sensitive code rather than coverage
Javascript Engine Fuzzers
- Fuzzilli
- generates synctatically and semantically valid JS scripts for fuzzing
- mutates over a custom intermediate language rather than source or AST
- JIT-Picking
- Differential Fuzzing of JavaScript Engines
- differential fuzz JS engines with and without JIT optimizations
- transparent probing of the state so it does not interfere with JIT optimizations
- an execution hash depending on the observed variables values/types is calculated along the execution and sent to the fuzzer at the end for comparison
- Montage
- neural network guided fuzzer
- fuzz JS engines
Fuzzer for Windows
- WinAFL: AFL-based fuzzer for Windows
Fuzzer Composition
- there are no generic best fuzzers
- fuzzers perform differently depending on targets and resource usage
autofz: compose a set of fuzzers to use depending on the target and fuzz "trend" at runtime
DDrace: specialized in use-after free (UAF)
- reduce search space by targeting potentially vulnerable block code
- new metric to calculate "UAF distance"
Webapp fuzzing
in detail in next chapter
Trusted Environment Fuzzing
- Trusted App (TA) using Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
- Challenge: this is harder than blackbox because the TEE prevents runtime analysis
- you can only use inputs and outputs coming out from the TEE
- TEEzz
Fuzzing during RTL development stage (specifications)
- Advantage: fuzzing is done before production of the system therefore patching is less costly
- SpecDoctor
- focuses against transient vulnerabilities
- proposes a fuzzing template to emulate different scenarios (which part of the system is compromised)
- uses differential fuzzing to identify side-channel behaviour
Spec fuzzing
use fuzzing to test the completeness of a specification
- Fast produces mutations on a program code we call CODE
- the goal is
- CODE mutants of the target program are both tested against
- the original program test suite
- against the Move prover
- the Move prover takes both CODE and SPEC
- CODE and SPEC will be compiled into Boogie
- you can then uses an SMT solver to solve the Boogie input
- results from both the test suite and the move prover can be compared to point out potential omission in the SPEC